
Gisele Louro Peres


Graduation at Química - Lincen. with Hab. Science from Federal University of Rio Grande (2001), master's at Chemistry from Federal University of Rio Grande (2009) and doctorate at Chemistry from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2013). Has experience in Chemistry, focusing on Chemistry, acting on the following subjects: amylopectin, water quality, quantic chemistry, cases study and ultrasonic.

Martinho Machado Junior


Graduate in Physics from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1998), where he won the Summa Cum Laude. He is received his Master and PhD degree in Chemical Engineering from Department from the Chemical Engineering at Federal University of Santa Catarina in 2009 and 2015, respectively. He is currently Associate Professor of Mathematics at Federal University of Southern Frontier, Campus Laranjeiras do Sul / PR. Recently, he has been developing research in the polymers characterization with atomic force microscopy, tribological characterization of cellulosic structures in nanoscale from kraft paper used in packaging, papermaking and applied mathematics.