Computational Spectroscopy Lab

Probing Pseudo-Polymorphic Transitions in Pharmaceutical Solids using Raman Spectroscopy: Hydration and Dehydration of Theophylline.


Theophylline is known to undergo vapor phase induced hydrate–anhydrate pseudopolymorphic transformations, which can affect its bioavailability. In this work, the kinetics of the pseudopolymorphic transitions of theophylline crystals in different storage conditions is studied using a vibrational spectroscopic technique. While the hydration is a single-step process with a half-life time of ca. 5 h, the dehydration occurs through a two-step mechanism. In addition, the phase stability of hydrate–anhydrate systems in different relative humidity (RH) conditions was probed. The critical RH for anhydrous teophylline was found to be at ca. 79%, while the critical RH for dehydration is ca. 30%.

Ana M. Amado, Mariela M. Nolasco, Paulo J.A. Ribeiro-Claro.